I'm still a wee-bit skeptical. Why? Well, I come from a Mormon background, and so I'm a bit jaded. Yet, I'm trying not to throw the baby out with the urine-saturated-bathwater.

However, there are lots of moments that are convincing me there is a "there-there." I looked at a transit for the day I was having mediation with my ex-wife. What did it indicate? That I would have no voice. Sounded shitty, but I thought, "No way! This is an open and shut case." Sure enough, I met with the mediator first, and she was very confident that it would be smooth sailing. Nope. Not at all. It was precisely as the astrological reading indicated.

Thank you for still publishing woo!

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As I write a 'mini-comedy skit' intending to add the 3rd L in Spirituality - Laughter - so we can all practically & actually lift the darkness by creating lightness; your post arrives 🪄

The reminder to commit to complete the 1st of 1 or many; of course, after fully enjoying the ... Fun creative process 🎢

Thank you, Sadalsuud, for your truthful experience to help me unleash the courage to share a similar ride, so others can play & have fun with the #woo too!

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